Goodbye and Hello
Saying Goodbye & Welcoming People Well
I’ll just say it- saying goodbye is hard. Many of us moved to the United States from a place far away; from a culture that has different food, traditions, and social expectations. And to top it all off, each year we have to say goodbye to many of the friends we made because of relocation or issues with their visas. But how do we say goodbye well? And how do we connect with new friends in a way that makes them feel welcomed? Those are a few of the questions today’s blog will hopefully answer.
Saying Goodbye
When you say goodbye don’t expect to never see the person again. Remember that we live in a very connected world! They are just a facetime call away and who knows what direction life will take you. There have been many times when we say goodbye thinking we will never see someone again, but they end up coming back. Any relationship that you want to keep up with will require maintenance- kind of like a plant. If you don’t water your plant it will begin to wilt and eventually cease existing. Make contact with the person you’re wanting to keep up with a normal thing whether it’s a text, phone call, or yearly visit. If it is helpful, talk about ways you will keep in touch with one another before you say goodbye. Another thing that will help you become a better friend is to tell people how much they mean to you. Encourage them in the things they’re good at and celebrate with them in their successes. Don’t wait until the day before they leave to tell them how much you appreciate the friendship. It will make all the difference!
Being a Good Welcomer
It takes courage to do the uncomfortable for the sake of another person.
Now let’s talk about welcoming new friends. Do you remember when you first arrived in this country? Perhaps you had some friends or even family members already here. Or maybe you were all alone and had to make connections. VISA is a beautiful community that should always be a place where anyone can feel welcomed and safe. Different countries have different ways of welcoming people; some countries don’t typically talk to strangers. The goal of the VISA community is to always welcome all people! So take a chance and talk to that stranger. Introduce yourself and start asking them questions. If you don’t know what to say that’s okay, just keep asking questions and genuinely be interested in their answers. You can never fully know someone and there is always something new to learn. So at the next VISA event, take a chance and welcome that person you don’t know. It is challenging to not only speak with the people you know and are comfortable with, but it takes courage to do the uncomfortable for the sake of another person. Let’s have courage!